Are you looking black business financing and funding? Do you need a reliable payment gateway service? Check out a few of our certified black business friendly funders and credit card processors

  • Patriot Bankcard
  • Black Business Funders
  • Credit Cards Processor
  • Timeshare Business Credit Card Processor
  • Lower Your Overhead

    The high cost of startup not to mention keeping a working office is driving many entrepreneurs to choosing an alternative

    professional appearance

    We provide a clean, professional, state of the art facility anyone would be happy to call home. Now you can too.

    deliver the same Service

    Don't let the word "Virtual" make you think you are sacrificing Service. Our products free you up so you can focus on Service.

    work from home or abroad

    The flexibility of a Virtual Office means you can work from anywhere in the world but maintain a presence here in Las Vegas.

    Choose the perfect plan

    One size does not fit all. That’s why we’ve setup a menu of services to fit your budget and especially your individual needs.


    Per month


    Per month


    Per month